Category: Anonim

Life and death


The prettiest war that ever was

your beauty makes them weak.
you could tear down cities
with your smile,
and you have.

helen of troy,
of sparta,
of paris,
of menelaus.

helen of war,
of blood,
of death,
of beauty.

when will they realise
you are a wild thing?
that you were never
theirs to claim?

would you have torn down troy
yourself, in the end?
would you have knocked the greeks
to their knees?

i can understand
if you are tired.
it takes effort
to carry a war.

helen, love,
helen of no-one but yourself;
were you glad
when they all burned?

I do not try

Falling from the sky

A fall

I do not try.

I rail against the retrains
That hold me back, I drown and
Struggle for air, I throw myself
Towards the moon with no
Backup plan if I fail to make
The landing.

Most of the time my feet fiind solid ground,

But sometimes, I crash to earth it
A spectacle far brighter and more disastrous
Than a shooting star, the fall of an empire,
The end of a world.

But I will never do anything so halfhearthed as try.

„Try” is not a strong enough word.